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Junction 2022

On 4-6 November, I took part in the Junction 2022 hackathon. It was amazing. I worked in a team together with my ex-colleague Aleksey Khlebaev. We have developed an application that measures the pulse when browsing websites.

Two days of non-stop coding and devops-ing with a lot of fast learning of D3, Next.js, WatchKit, and the GCP infrastructure.

So nice to see a lot of bright minds around with crazy ideas about the sustainable, hopeful, adventurous feature.

A couple of important takeaways:

  • Realization is okay, but pitching an idea is better. Presentation, a wow-effect demo will help you to catch someone's attention. By the way, Junction had useful workshops about pitching with many insights.

  • Think twice about a problem before starting. But don't give up even if you think that you a stuck in your problem. It's very easy to find someone who will find your idea interesting.

  • Hackathons it's a fantastic opportunity not only to try your luck and professional skills but grow up your network 👍